Do we ever empathize with the blind? Have we tried walking in their shoes?(speaking of shoes half of them can not see their own shoes) Have we gone through what they go through every unfortunate second of their life? *If you have played the game I told you folks about*, the answer is a straight 'YES'! Being visually challenged in real life is just another form of the game. But the game here is raised to a whole new level. An eminent level that is very unfortunate and many a time goes beyond control.
Which reminds me "A bus travel from college back home changed the way i look at things in life.Ironically, my sight was influenced by a little girl aged between 5-6 with a cute little broad smile with a glowing face with 'not as much glowing eyes'. Her eyes where grey.The sight of which cut out the blood flow in and out of my heart for a split second.A beautiful young lass filled with immense burst of laughter so much so tears rolled out of my lucky pair of eyeballs. I was rather confused,confusion lingered on what my tears where for? Was it the fact that seeing a child smile or being happy always overwhelms me(i love kids, i go gaga over 'em :D ) or was it her blindness that caused the sting? A very obscure feeling indeed! This happened around a month back and i type it to you now and as queer it can get - I STILL HAVE NO CLUE ON WHAT THAT FEELING WAS. oh well....!"
There is a dandy something that is so very prominent but we choose not to see.If you haven't converted my words into a motion picture in your mind, do it now. What do you see?what do you feel?What do you interpret?
Well this is my piece of thought..(If you have yours, please do share it =) looking forward to your side of the story)

-You wake up one morning with a zit on your cheek. I know many would firstly freak out looking at it and if your beauty conscious which 99% of the people are; you'll go through a very traumatic phase all morning and worse all day! GOD ! and the most weirdest part is you have a problem walking in-front of people or showing your 'zit-attacked' face out in public considering it as some public humility or whatever. Its after all a very very small thing,GET A LIFE PEOPLE ! open your eyes while you can still see. Looks are important,agreed,but what about those who can never look at anything including themselves? when a zit can make you go through such a torturous state, how would a blind person feel like? many tell me they'll get used to it. I say 'are you used to and have accepted the fact your shorter or taller or fatter or thiner than the other person? We always have a inferiority-complex. and trust me so will the blind or specially challenged people. But look at the way they take life ? The way they swim their battered selves 'up-tide'! The little girls smile was simply a priceless sight. A sight of a sightless girl throwing vibez at you saying
"look at yourself seeing me while i cant see you,look at your fortunate yet complained filled life. Once, just once, try seeing through my eyes.You'll see how beautiful life is even in the darkness"!