If you are a student, I'm pretty sure you would connect with what I have to say.. well duh ! m' a student too :P But I don't really dread it.. but hey ! I aint no geek ! lol ! any way.. if your guess is - books.. you are getting closer. But apparently I wasn't actually talking about the books but about whats in them -"The little black and white devils-the words." Like all black and white guesses you took and anything thats personified with 'black and white' will certainly have its good and bad face. Lets treat words like an object and a subject to our discussion here. You might put up an argument as to how encouraging and advocating a single word or a cluster of them could be. Ask a student appearing for the most important examination of his life, how he felt about the never ending words in his study material. He would come up with a zillion theories of mixed emotions including them haunting him in his dreams or even he seeing them with eyes closed. That would have happened to each and every one of us. Remember your 12th grade examinations ? (P.S: ignore my sentence if you never did really study hard, for such people all i would like to say........JOIN THE CLUB :D )

The point to be noted..'besides the not studying part' is.. Its queerly amazing how the lifeless little scripture can take the life out of you ! Is man this vulnerable ? We say we are the strongest and most primate being in the universe. How true is that ? One of my Professors used to quote 'the chain is as strong as the weakest link'. Are we really that weak that we get so traumatic because of mere words ?When mere words inscribed in a book waiting to be memorized can do so much to you; think, what complications and challenges in life can do? Something for you to ponder on...Think.. many unanswered questions shall be answered..
Cheerz ! = )